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Let us move on like the ocean that flows through the rock without turning back

Let us move on, for the tribulations you see today, you will see no more. 

Let us move on in pain, for there is no pain without no gain

Let us move on when the incident looks shocking and we have no body to look up to

Even when everything seems freezing and narrow for you to pass, move on

Move on, you may say yesterday there was no hope for me but today I am who I want to be

Let us move on, it is just a shock and it will surely pass

Let us move on when we are heart broken, it will fix itself up, it's only when you move on you get fixed 

Let us move on when situation seems to overpower us, it only came to visitor, it will leave someday 

Move on,when you are forgotten, there is another day to be remembered 

Let us move on, when all hope is lost. Time will fix it up

Let us move on, sorrow is just for a while, it on takes patience to overcome it

Let us move on, we are better of some other persons 

Let us move on, there is no limit to greatness

Let us move on, remember no matter how you cut a grass it will never complain but grow afresh and fresher 

Let us move on, while its still time, time waits for no one

Let us move on in the days of our youth, for a time will come when our youth days will be gone

Let us move on when our lives  is still worth it. It could be too late if we don't move 

Move on and leave your present position, that is not where you are destined to be.

Move on, it doesn't matter if you crawl or slow, all that matters is just to move on 

Take a step even if you have no legs. The race is not about who get there first.
Move on if you crumble and fall. 

Move on even when you've lost everything but do not lose your life

Move on when people mock you, it's a sign of greatness


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